Florence LaForge Florence LaForge

Accelerated French Program

The Accelerated French Program offers the same high standards of the French Baccalaureate Program, but is open to all students no matter their level of French. This is ideal for students who have some exposure to the French language, and wish to become bilingual speakers; but have not yet obtained a level of fluency to participate in the French Baccalaureate Program.

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Rehausser le niveau d’exigence et d’ambition pour tous les élèves
Florence LaForge Florence LaForge

Rehausser le niveau d’exigence et d’ambition pour tous les élèves

Des la rentrée 2024, le brevet permettra d’attester du niveau suffisant pour poursuivre en classe de 2de. À la rentrée 2025, un dispositif Prépa-lycée sera mis en place pour permettre une remise à niveau pour les élèves n’ayant pas obtenu le brevet, avant un passage possible en 2de.

Among the measures announced on December 5, 2023 by the French Minister of Education and Youth, Gabriel ATTAL, a new baccalaureate test in mathematics and scientific culture will be introduced in the première class starting in the 2025-2026 school year, while the brevet diploma will be required for entry to high school starting in the 2025 session.

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News and Updates
Florence LaForge Florence LaForge

News and Updates

Welcome to a new way to access news and updates! We hope this will be an easier means to access ISG news and updates. You will still receive updates via email but emails can quickly get lost in the shuffle. Don’t we all receive too many emails?! So, when in doubt, you can always visit this page to get the latest and greatest ISG news and updates. Our Journalism Club will also make use of their digital skills to post the ISG Times here.

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